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Records Bureau

The Records Bureau is responsible for maintaining all police documents pertaining to Motor Vehicle Accidents, Alarms, Investigations, Arrests, Missing Persons and Death Reports.

In addition, the Records Bureau is responsible for the following:

  • Maintaining reports in accordance with State Archival Standards
  • Releasing reports in accordance with the guidelines of the State of New Jersey, the Union County Prosecutor’s Office and Right to Know
  • Providing discovery to defense attorneys and the Municipal Prosecutor
  • Processes all requests for copies of Motor Vehicle Accidents

The public may obtain reports by requesting them from the Records Department in person from Monday to Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Motor Vehicle Accident Reports may be obtained from the Records Bureau on a walk-in basis or online at (fees apply to access accident reports online).   

Most reports are available for review within two (2) working days, excluding weekends and holidays. No information regarding police reports will be given by telephone.  If you would like to request a copy of a police investigative report, you must complete an OPRA form (OPEN PUBLIC RECORDS ACT), which may be obtained in the Borough Clerk’s Office located in Roselle Borough Hall 210 Chestnut Street, Roselle, New Jersey 07203.

Obtain a police report:

Police reports are generally available three business days after the day the report was taken. Inquiries can be made by calling the Roselle Records Bureau at 908-259-4020 or 908-259-4018 to make report inquiries.

How to obtain a release for a towed vehicle:

Most vehicles are available for release the day they are towed. The following information must be brought to the Records Bureau Monday – Friday between 9 AM and 430 PM:

- Valid insurance card

- Valid driver’s license

- Valid registration or valid title for the vehicle.

How to report a street light out:

You can access PSE&G at WWW.PSEG.COM and fill out a Streetlight Outage form. Remember to have the nearest address to the pole and if possible, the pole number.

You can also call PSE&G at 1-800-436-7734.

How to report a deceased wild animal:

Call the Newark Associated Humane Society at 973-824-7080 and leave a message to report deceased animals. They will respond to remove the carcass.

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